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Please provide as much brief, factual information as possible. *Indicates important information. Please provide as much of the * information as possible. Your name, contact information, the address where the animals are located, description of the animals and your complaint are required.
Indicates required field
Your Name:
Would you come forward as a witness if needed?
Photos/Video Available (Attach below where indicated on the form):
Witness Status:
1st Hand Account
2nd Hand Account
If you chose other in Witness Status, please state here:
Relationship to AV:
If you chose other in Relationship to AV, please state here:
Your Contact Ph (mobile/landline/wk):
Email Address:
Your Street Address:
Your DOB (month/day/year):
Your DL#:
State DL Issued:
Name of Alleged Violator/s (AV):
AV Phone Number:
Street Address of AV/Location of Animal(s):
if physical address not available/cross streets
AV DOB (month/day/year):
State DL Issued:
AV Address if different than where animals are located:
Please describe why you are contacting us today
IF YOU WISH TO PROVIDE A MORE DETAILED COMPLAINT, PLEASE REVIEW AND SELECT THE APPROPRIATE RESPONSES (Select as many as needed. Please provide your witness statement and any evidence supporting your complaint, which may include, but may not be limited to: photos, short video, veterinary records.)
Upload supporting documents here:
Max file size: 20MB
Suspected Violations of MN Animal Cruelty Statute 343.21
Subdivision 1. Torture. No person shall overdrive, overload, torture, cruelly beat, neglect, or unjustifiably injure, maim, mutilate, or kill any animal, or cruelly work any animal when it is unfit for labor, whether it belongs to that person or to another person.
Subd. 2. Nourishment; shelter. No person shall deprive any animal over which the person has charge or control of necessary food, water, or shelter.
Subd. 3. Enclosure. No person shall keep any cow or other animal in any enclosure without providing wholesome exercise and change of air.
Subd. 4.Low feed. No person shall feed any cow on food which produces impure or unwholesome milk.
Subd. 5. Abandonment. No person shall abandon any animal.
Subd. 6. Temporary abandonment. No person shall allow any maimed, sick, infirm, or disabled animal to lie in any street, road, or other public place for more than three hours after receiving notice of the animal's condition.
Subd. 7. Cruelty. No person shall willfully instigate or in any way further any act of cruelty to any animal or animals, or any act tending to produce cruelty to animals.
Subd. 8. Caging. No person shall cage any animal for public display purposes unless the display cage is constructed of solid material on three sides to protect the caged animal from the elements and unless the horizontal dimension of each side of the cage is at least four times the length of the caged animal. The provisions of this subdivision do not apply to the Minnesota State Agricultural Society, the Minnesota State Fair, or to the county agricultural societies, county fairs, to any agricultural display of caged animals by any political subdivision of the state of Minnesota, or to district, regional or national educational livestock or poultry exhibitions. The provisions of this subdivision do not apply to captive wildlife, the exhibition of which is regulated by section 97A.041*.
Subd. 8a. Harming a service animal. No person shall intentionally and without justification do either of the following to a service animal while it is providing service or while it is in the custody of the person it serves: (1) cause bodily harm to the animal; or (2) otherwise render the animal unable to perform its duties.
Check all that apply
Suspected Violation of 346.38 EQUINES.
Subdivision 1. Definition.
"Equines" are horses, ponies, mules, and burros.
Subd. 2. Food. Equines must be provided with food of sufficient quantity and quality to allow for normal growth or the maintenance of body weight. Feed standards shall be those recommended by the National Research Council.
Subd. 3. Water. Equines must be provided with clean, potable water in sufficient quantity to satisfy the animal's needs or supplied by free choice. Snow or ice is not an adequate water source.
Subd. 4. Shelter. Equines must be provided a minimum of free choice protection or constructed shelter from adverse weather conditions, including direct rays of the sun in extreme heat or cold, wind, or precipitation. Natural or constructed shelters must be of sufficient size to provide the necessary protection. Constructed shelters must be structurally sound, free of injurious matter, maintained in good repair, and ventilated. Outside exercise paddocks for equines do not require separate constructed shelter where a shelter is accessible to the equine on adjacent or other accessible areas of the property provided that equines are not kept in outdoor exercise paddocks during adverse weather conditions.
Subd. 5. Space and cleanliness requirements. Constructed shelters except for tie stalls must provide space for the animal to: (1) roll with a minimum danger of being cast; or (2) easily stand, lie down, and turn around. Stalls must be cleaned and kept dry to the extent the animal is not required to lie or stand in fluids. Bedding must be provided in all stalls, kept reasonably clean, and periodically changed. The nature of the bedding must not pose a health hazard to the animal.
Subd. 6. Exercise. Equines must be provided opportunity for periodic exercise, either through free choice or through a forced work program, unless exercise is restricted by a licensed veterinarian.
Subd. 7. Hoof care. All equines must have their hooves properly trimmed periodically to prevent lameness.
Subd. 8. Transportation. A vehicle used to transport an equine must have a floor capable of supporting the animal's weight safely. Floors must be of nonskid construction or of nonskid material sufficient to provide the animal with traction while in transport. A minimum of 12 inches must be allowed between the withers of the largest equine and the structure above the animal while it is in a natural standing position. Sturdy partitions must be provided at a minimum of approximately every ten feet inside the vehicle. Interior compartments of transporting vehicles must be of smooth construction with no protruding or sharp objects and must provide ventilation. Food and water must be provided in sufficient quantities to minimize stress and maintain hydration.
Check all that apply
Suspected violation of MN Statute 343.40 Dog Houses
Subdivision 1. In general.
A person in charge or control of any dog which is kept outdoors or in an unheated enclosure shall provide the dog with shelter and bedding as prescribed in this section as a minimum.
Subdivision 1.In general. A person in charge or control of any dog which is kept outdoors or in an unheated enclosure shall provide the dog with shelter and bedding as prescribed in this section as a minimum.
Subd. 2.Building specifications. The shelter shall include a moisture proof and windproof structure of suitable size to accommodate the dog and allow retention of body heat. It shall be made of durable material with a solid, moisture proof floor or a floor raised at least two inches from the ground. Between November 1 and March 31 the structure must have a windbreak at the entrance. The structure shall be provided with a sufficient quantity of suitable bedding material consisting of hay, straw, cedar shavings, blankets, or the equivalent, to provide insulation and protection against cold and dampness and promote retention of body heat.
Subd. 3.Shade. Shade from the direct rays of the sun, during the months of May to October shall be provided.
Subd. 4.Farm dogs. In lieu of the requirements of subdivisions 2 and 3, a dog kept on a farm may be provided with access to a barn with a sufficient quantity of loose hay or bedding to protect against cold and dampness.
Subd. 5.Zoning. All shelters required by this section shall be subject to all building or zoning regulations of any city, township, county, or state.
Check all that apply
If animal is being treated cruelly, is abused, neglected or tortured. Descibe here:
Choose any that apply
Lack of or no shelter
Lack of or no potable water
Lack of or no food/poor quality
Poor condition of animals/deceased, sick or injured, matted fur, lack of or no vet care
Poor condition of animals/deceased, sick or injured, matted fur, lack of or no vet care. Describe here:
Choose any that apply
Unkempt kennel/housing (excessive feces/urine)
Lack of Exercise/Stuck in kennel or crates for lengthy periods of time
Environmental Conditions (temps are too hot or cold/bad weather/hazardous conditions)
Too many animals/hoarding
Suspected puppy/pet mill
Community cat assistance/TNR
If you chose other, please describe:
If you checked the any of the boxes above, please use this space to provide additional information:
Attach all supporting documents, photos and video. Provide brief description and time/date for each:
Max file size: 20MB
Description of Animal(s):
How many animals?
What type (cat/dog/horse/pig/goat/sheep/cow/rodent/reptile/bird/fish/wildlife/other) Describe:
Describe if Purebred / Mix / Others
Color: (brn/blk/white/orange/striped/spots/other) Describe:
Coat: (short/medium/long/curly/other) Describe:
Sex (M/F/unknown):
Names of Animal(s):
Describe Body Type (thin, normal, obese) (ribs, backbone/spine, hip bone showing/protruding)? (Attach Body Scoring/Field ID Report/Intake Report)
Condition of Animals (coat condition of animal, clean/matted/dirty/missing hair/unkempt/other)
Describe Suspected Injuries or Possible Illness (visible limping/open wounds/bleeding/swelling/bruising/broken bones/infection/labored breathing/nasal or eye discharge/other) Do not diagnose/provide what you observed:
Describe Temperament (friendly/aggressive/scared/timid/stand-offish, etc.):
Veterinary/Medical (attach veterinary records if available)
UTD on Vaccinations? Yes/No/Unknown:
When last veterinary visit? (attach records):
Max file size: 20MB
Is the animal used for medical purposes (trained therapy animal/emotional support/unknown)?
-Do the Animals Get Exercise? How? For how long? Unknown:
Attach supporting documents/photos/property records/aerial view:
Max file size: 20MB
Describe Overall Environment and Where Animals are Kept:
Describe Cleanliness of Interior/Exterior:
Are Feces/Urine/other bodily fluids (Human/Animal/Unknown) present and how much?
Are Feces/Urine/other bodily fluids (Human/Animal/Unknown) present and how much?
Describe Hazards or Dangerous Materials:
Are there any dangerous or sharp objects/anything that could be hazardous to humans or animals? Y/N/U Describe:
Are there hazardous chemicals present? Y/N/U
Are there weapons on the property? Y/N/U Describe Firearms or other weapons:
Are any of the following present on the property (enclosures/dog houses/kennels/shelters/barn/out building/lean to/fencing/none/unknown) Describe materials used (wood/metal/sheetrock/plastic/other)? Describe size and condition (new/newer/old/falling down/good or bad/other/unknown):
Describe Air Quality (smells?):
Do the animals get fresh air? Y/N/U How (Air conditioning/Open windows/Ventilation/Kept out of doors/other)? Are there fans? Y/N/U How many? Filters? Y/N/U How many?
To your knowledge, has law enforcement been to this property? Y/N/U If so, how many times? Describe:
Are you aware of any illegal drugs or drug usage? Y/N/U Describe:
Are you aware of any substance abuse? Y/N/U Describe:
Are you aware of any violence or abuse? Y/N/U Describe:
Restraining orders or orders for protection? Y/N/U Describe:
Describe any suspicious or potentially violent/dangerous behavior (if any):
Are you aware of a social worker’s involvement with the AV or the AV’s family? Y/N/U Describe:
Describe main dwelling and any unique features of the property:
Color of house/trim:
Attached or detached garage:
Outbuildings (how many and describe):
Describe Vehicles (Cars/Trucks/Mobile Home/Camper/Tractors/ATVs/Boats, etc.):
Are they operational?
What vehicles do you see coming and going?
Does anything stand out about this property? Describe something that sets this property apart from other neighboring properties:
If you have contacted any other organization pertaining to this complaint, please include that information below.
Law Enforcement Dept:
Department Phone Number:
Officer Name:
Officer Phone Number
Badge #:
Officer Email:
Case Number, if available:
Animal Control Officer Name:
Animal Control Phone Number
Animal Control Email
Rescue/Shelter Phone Number:
Rescue Personnel Name:
Rescue Personnel Email
Rescue Personnel Phone Number:
Veterinary Clinic:
Veterinary Clinic Phone Number:
Veterinarian Name:
Veterinarian Email:
Board of Animal Health
Ph: Main
Other BAH Rep Name:
Other Phone Number
Board of Veterinary Medicine | Ph: Main
[email protected]
Rendering: Don Myren, Ag Advisor | Ph:
| Email:
[email protected]
Human Services Dept:
Human Services Dept Direct Phone Number:
Case Worker Name:
Case Worker Email:
City or County Attorney Name:
City or County Attorney Phone Number:
City or County Attorney Email:
Government Officials (City Planner):
Government Officials Phone Number:
Government Officials Email:
Fire Department:
Fire Department Phone Number:
Fire Department Email:
Other Organization/Personnel:
Other Organization/Personnel Phone Number:
Other Organization/Personnel Email:
I agree that the information provided here is correct
I agree
How to Report Animal Cruelty
MFHS Online Report Form
State and Federal Animal Welfare Laws
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Veterinarian Resources
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